About Candy Tree

Dutch English

We like our candy a little less sweet
So that is why we sweeten our Candy Tree sweets with corn syrup, concentrated fruit juices, maple syrup and molasses. Less sweet, but still tastefull. If you normally eat much sugar, you will have to get used to the taste, but with our candy you will become a gourmet.

Without allergens when possible
When inventing the candy we pay extra attention to avoiding ingredients that may cause allergic reactions. That's why almost everyone can eat Candy Tree sweets. Which makes them easy to share with your friends. But always pay attention to the icons and declaration of ingredients on the packaging. For example, there is gluten free liquorice as well as normal liquorice.


We don't use colourants
No colourants are added to the Candy Tree sweets. Colourants are not allowed in organic products anyway. So the colour of the candy is the same as the colour of the ingredients. One less worry.

We only use organic ingredients
With Candy Tree sweets you don't have to worry about strange chemicals or gene technology. We simply use mother nature's ingredients.

On top of that the sweets are vegan or vegetarian
Almost all Candy tree products are free from animal ingredients. And they only contain what is declared on the packaging. No hidden ingredients or so-called processing agents. Just plain clear.

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